Here's the last part of chapter 2. Enjoy^^ P/S: To those who helping me in proofreading, thank you. You guys are awesome. ⇒Continue reading here⇐Read more
Author: nellstewart
Status update – 2/6/2015
Just finished translating chapter 2 - part 3, and now its times for proofreading..Anyone who is excellence in English, willing to contributes and knows how to ...Read more
Schedule for TNG
Random release, please check at the Translation Progress Sunday ⇔ 12:00 pm (UTC-04:00/-05:00) Expect a release at least once a week(unless stated ...Read more
THE NEW GATE Vol. 1 Chapter 2 – Part 2
Part 3 would be twice as long, so please be patient. Well then, hope you enjoy this. ⇒Continue reading here⇐Read more
THE NEW GATE Vol. 1 Chapter 2 – Part 1
Here's chapter 2 part 1, I had to split it because it was too long. P/s: Sorry for the bad grammar. Btw, Im looking for proofreaders. ⇒Continue ...Read more