BBYW Vol. 4 Chapter 44 (WN)

Chapter 44 – The Fallen Hero

Valon’s blade descended on me from above, and I blocked it with my sword.


It was a crushingly heavy blow: my knees almost gave in under the weight.

“Kha! Hahaha! How is the taste of my reborn blade!?”

Valon’s mummified face cackled, and while I was still recovering from the previous strike, he launched another attack.

Our swords clashed, as I desperately blocked Valon’s slashes.

The weight of his sword and strikes were much superior to the Valon I knew.

“Gh…don’t get cocky!!”

Clenching my teeth under the oppressing weight of the attacks, I took advantage of an opening to sweep my opponent’s feet.

“Haha!! Too slow!!”

However, Valon evaded it with a quick hop, landing not too far away. With a smile full of confidence on his lips, he spread his arms wide and taunted me.

“Heeheehee…have you finally realized how wide the gap between us has become, Dyngir Maxwell? You look quite frustrated.”

“….you look like you’re enjoying yourself, instead. Is that dried up body so convenient?”

“Hah. You won’t be able to yap like that for long. Dyngir Maxwell…I may have lost to you in the past. Do you know the reason why?”

“…you didn’t have enough stamina.”

Two years ago, Valon and I crossed swords in the royal martial tournament.

I attacked aggressively, like a roaring flame.

Valon defended, as impenetrable as a boulder.

In the end, the difference in stamina was what decided the victor.

Our duel lasted for dozens of minutes: Valon reached his limit first, and eventually could not parry my sword anymore.

(Thinking about it, I inherited my almost endless stamina from my mother. No wonder Valon was at a disadvantage.)

“Indeed! That time, I was defeated because of my lack of endurance. But things are different now!! I am an undead…my body knows no fatigue, and you have witnessed my newfound power!!”


Valon attacked again, from the front.

I managed to block the sudden strike, but the shock of the impact pushed me backwards.

“This power exceeds human boundaries! What can you say now, Dyngir Maxwell!? Power, stamina, speed!! I have surpassed you in every possible way!!”


“Fear me! Weep! Lament!! I shall kill you, and gain the title of strongest! I shall not be defeated, no more!!”

“….Valon. Mist, your fiancée, was dressed in mourning garments.”


Valon was seemingly taken aback by how disconnected my words were from the current situation.

“For the sake of House Sphinx, she went all the way to the southern province to request reinforcements after it had lost you. She lost her man, and surely she just wished to cry, without thinking of anything else, but she did everything in her power to protect the western province, in your stead.”

“….what are you getting at?”

“Naam did not weep for you either. Not because she didn’t love you, but because she couldn’t believe that you really died. If she saw you in this rotten state, though…I’m sure she’ll wail loudly. She’d cry a river.”


“Even after hearing all this, will you still side with the “Terror Armies”? Can you really kill those two too?”

“How laughable…! Are you really trying to appeal to my emotions? At a time like this!?”

Valon roared, his face twisted in anger.

“Family!! Homeland!! I have discarded all that pitiful love, all those weak emotions!! Everything is for Her Majesty’s sake!! If the Queen asks for those two women to be sacrificed, I will cut them to pieces, with pleasure!!”

“Is that so…I’m taking them both, then.”


I grinned, exposing my fangs, and raised a middle finger to the surprised Valon.

“That pretty little sister and beauty of a fiancée are wasted on a dried up twig like you, anyway. I’ll take good care of them both, so you better say thanks.”

“You bastard…!!”

“Why do you care? You have abandoned them, haven’t you. Miss Cairo…Mist is pretty lean, but she has all the curves she needs, I bet she feels good to the touch. Naam, she has a bright future ahead. She’s going to turn into a stunning lady. I’m going to enjoy both of them to the fullest. I bet your thing now looks like a slug after it took a shower in salt, so it’s useless anyway, right? Serves you damn right.”

“How dare you…insult me with such…!!! I have surpassed death!! Surpassed every living creature!!!”

“You are pretty much only as useful as firewood right now, so spare me that bullshit. Keep looking down on us living creatures like that, and you’ll regret it.”

“In that case…make me regret it!! Dyngir Maxwell!!!”

The enraged Valon rushed in my direction. He swung down his blade, aiming to split my head in two.

It was a powerful enough blow to pulverize my skull: however, I parried it with my sword.


“Ask and you shall receive…this is our final duel, Valon Sphinx.”

I blocked Valon’s sword with the sword in my right hand, and planted my left fist in his mummified face.

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