BBYW Vol. 4 Chapter 46 (WN)

Chapter 46 – End of the Battle, Shadow of the Mastermind


The two halves of Valon’s body gradually crumbled. Looking down at the man I used to know slowly turning into nothingness, I let out a somber sigh.

“It’s over, young master.”


I turned around to face the man who called me.

Oboro was standing next to the door, the remains of “Terror Armies” creatures at his feet. He had been standing guard to not let anyone interfere in my battle.

“It seems you struggled, though. Would you have not won easily, had you used the Magic Tools?”

Oboro looked at me with puzzlement.

“Siegfried”, my sword, had the ability to nullify magic power, so it was especially effective against monsters and undead creatures.

The bracelet “Herakles” boosted the wearer’s physical abilities and gave them superhuman recovery.

If I fought with those two Magic Tools, I could have defeated Valon more quickly.

I was no fool: I knew that well enough myself.

“Show some respect, now. He might have fallen rather low, but he was still my upperclassman and rival. I wanted to duel with him with just my swordcraft, isn’t it obvious?”

Those were my honest feelings.

I had crossed swords multiple times with Valon. In a way, we were fated rivals. I wanted to settle our final bout with only my own skill, without relying on Magic Tools.

“If I remember well, the Lord class creatures can control the other undead, right? The monsters remaining in the fortress should be easy to dispose of now. The main force should be here soon too…”


“Young Master!!”

A weak grunt echoed in the room. My hand went to the hilt of my sword.

The voice came from the floor — from the remains of Valon Sphinx.

“…go to sleep already. Do not shame yourself more than this.”

I clenched my teeth.

Most of Valon’s body had already turned into sand, but from the shoulders up it still barely maintained its shape. It had somehow managed to raise its head and was looking at me, with eyes dark and empty.

“I have…burdened you…Dyngir Maxwell…”

“…Valon, have you…regained your consciousness…?”

“Haha…what was I…even doing…?”

Valon’s faint whisper of a voice seemed to have regained its sanity.

Realizing that the man before me had returned to his right mind, I addressed him in a more proper manner.

“I see…I am aware it might upset you if I say something like this, but…I am glad we could speak, one last time. Are there any last words you wish to entrust me with?”

“Hah…last words…I suppose so…”

Even as we spoke, Valon’s body was gradually dissipating. It was clear to anyone’s eyes that not even Herakles could save him at this point.

The only thing I could do for him was to listen to anything he wanted to convey, and relate it to whoever he wished.

“…great river of the desert…”

“? What are you…”

I expected to hear words of farewell for Mist or Naam, but what Valon said instead sounded like nonsense to my ears.

“The great river of the desert…the triangle castle on the bank…deep inside, on the throne…there is who turned me like this…”

“That’s…the queen you spoke of?”

“I do not know…my connection to her is gone now. Until moments ago, its voice filled my head…and yet…”


Valon’s lips let out something like a sigh.

“Ple….end it….all…”

“Valon, I…”


Valon’s head turned into sand in an instant, as it had used every last ounce of its strength. I looked down at the remains of my former rival, my face tense in anger.

“Selfish to the end, weren’t you. You said your piece and went off, is that it?”

“Young Master, what shall we do?”

“I have no obligation to carry out his last words. Even so…I’m going to do everything in my power. What man worth his name would ignore the wishes of a dying warrior?”

I turned my back at Valon’s remains and exited the commander’s quarters.

The noise of battle could be heard in the distance.

The battle at Fort Giza was gradually reaching its conclusion.

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