BBYW Vol. 4 Chapter 49 (WN)


Chapter 49 – Golden Trump Card


Lord class creatures were basically the officers of the “Terror Armies”; so after I took down the Valon Sphinx mummy, the defenses of Fort Giza crumbled.

Before the loss of their leader, the undead creatures more or less acted as if they were really trying to defend the fortress; afterwards, they simply rushed towards the nearest human in sight, like running water shooting out of a ruptured dam.

Some creatures even jumped down from the fortress walls, crashing into the ground and immediately turning into dust.

It took them less than half a day to eliminate the remaining “Terror Armies” mummies in the fort: House Sphinx had thus officially recovered the whole western province from the monsters’ hands.

“…this battle is over, then.”

The soldiers’ victory cry echoed. I looked down from the fortress’ walls, talking to myself.

Victory was ours, but it tasted rather sour. I couldn’t find it in myself to just cheer.

(Valon was killed by one of his subordinates and even turned into a mummy…how am I supposed to say something like this to those two?)

I would have to report everything to Vert Sphinx, the clan leader, but there was no way I could say anything to Mist or Naam. It was far too cruel a conclusion.

“…that’s some pretty heavy baggage you left me with, Valon. You jackass…”

I looked at the desert spreading westwards from the fortress.

The land that created the wretched undead creatures lied silent, not a gust of wind on the sands.

If Valon’s last words were to be believed, beyond the desert there was the “Queen” that gave birth to the “Terror Armies”.

“Young master, so you were here.”


Oboro climbed up on the walls.

“The occupation of the fortress is complete. I entrusted the command of the army to a veteran soldier, as you ordered, but…what are you going to do now, young master? Are we going to return to Thebes?”


Fort Giza was back under the control of House Sphinx, so there was no point in staying here anymore. The “Terror Armies” still roaming the western province had been exterminated, for the most part, so the defense of the fortress could be left to the soldiers.


“I’m not going back to Thebes yet.”

So I clearly stated, to Oboro’s surprise.

“Are you going to stay here in the fort? I do not see any reason why, though…”

“Oboro, you go back to Thebes and meet up with Sakuya. Keep watching over Naam and the others, and stay alert of what the native nobles do. I’m going to take out the trash.”

“Trash, young master?”

I ignored the perplexed Oboro and caressed the bracelet on my right arm.

“Herakles – Shape of Indra!”


A golden light started streaming from the bracelet.

It was like a torrent of sunlight shot towards the sky: Oboro was so taken by surprise that he almost fell off the fortress walls.

“Wha-Wha-What on earth is that!?”

“Oh right, this is the first time I use it in front of other people… You should feel proud, not even Sakuya has seen this yet.”

Enveloped in an armor of golden light, I exposed my fangs in a wide grin.

“Shape of Indra” was Herakles’ hidden technique, so to speak. It is also the technique that delivered the final blow to the strongest pirate of the seas, Captain Drake.

“I planned to keep this as a last resort…but I’m an impatient guy, after all.”

Thinking that I was using the technique I swore I would not use anymore, barring extreme circumstances — just one month after I last used it, I chuckled to myself.

If I kept using this magic tool at this pace, I might soon dry up like a mummy too. Considering the current predicament, it wasn’t a funny joke at all.

“Still…it’s always better than to let the person who made those two cry get off scot-free. Much, much better.”

Swordsman or knight — any warrior on the battlefield may find themselves in a situation more humiliating than death.

For me, the current situation was exactly that. Someone orchestrated Valon’ assassination, by the hand of one of his allies, threatened the lives of the population of the whole western province and forced unneeded trauma on Mist and Naam.

To turn my back on them would be the greatest defeat of all.

Just as I thought when I battled Captain Drake, to turn tail and leave when there was an enemy to kill would mean the death of Dyngir Maxwell’s pride.

(Every single individual connected to this conspiracy is going to taste my blade! No human, monster, or even insect will be spared!)

“Tell Sakuya and Naam not to worry! I’ll be back in a flash!”

“Y-Young mas—”

Before Oboro could raise any objections, I had leapt from the fortress walls towards the setting sun. I had propelled myself with such force that the walls partially crumbled under my kick.

I practically turned in a golden fireball, rushing over the desert as a whirlwind of sand formed in my wake.

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