BBYW Vol. 4 Chapter 69 (WN)

Chapter 69 – Bath Time Invaders


I was still in Thebes, capital of the Margrave Sphinx domain, sighing deeply while having a bath in the residence I was borrowing from House Sphinx.

A few days had passed since Benamis Saverne had slipped through my fingers. After making my report to the Margrave, I was relieving the fatigue accumulated from the recent series of tumults via a dip in the bath.

The House Sphinx territory was mainly dry land, so water was a precious resource.

Filling a bathtub was not a luxury one could take often here, but as a reward for my exploits during this war, they especially gathered a large amount of water for me this time.

I was not sure it was the right thing to do, since I had failed to catch the mastermind behind it all, but in the end accepted their kindness.

“It really feels good to soak in the bath, especially when you’re tired…”

“The pace of this operation has been taxing from start to end after all. You deserve plenty of rest, Master.”

In the bathtub next to me was Sakuya, Fangs of Steel assassin.

We were immersed in the hot water together, so she too was naturally naked.

Her head tied on top of her head, despite the rather large size of the tub she was sitting right next to me, her body rubbing against mine.

“I was really worried, Lord Dyngir, after you left for Fort Giza…and then I heard that you headed for the “Undead Capital” all on your own…I thought my heart was going to stop.”

“Right…my bad. That was a bit reckless, even for me.”

I actually believe I wasn’t thinking completely straight at that time.

We weren’t exactly close, but after being forced to conclude my rivalry with Valon in such a frustrating way, it was like a flame was burning inside me. What I took next wasn’t certainly the most rational decision.

“Nevertheless…I don’t think that it was a mistake. House Sphinx now owes me a pretty huge debt, and I found a fortune in the Undead Capital. I even get rid of a survivor of the evil deities, threats to the whole of humanity.”

“The evil deities…I had heard stories, but to think they really exist…”

Sakuya sighed, pensive, but I shrugged.

“Yeah, I found it hard to believe when Captain Drake first mentioned them…but after seeing one with my own eyes, I had no other choice.”

Thinking about it now, the so-called evil deity croaked almost too easily…but the aura emanating from the creature possessing the queen of the undead was something completely different from any of the monsters dwelling in ancient ruins.

I was able to win fairly easily thanks to the magic nullification and god-slaying powers of my Siegfried, but if the conditions were any different I could have lost just as easily.

“There’s also the chance there are other evil deities surviving until this age…and we end up running into them. Which I am not looking forward to in the slightest.”

I soaked in the hot water to my shoulders and slowly closed my eyes.

I remembered Captain Drake’s words…

About Siegfried being a weapon made to slay the evil deities. That being chosen to wield it could mean that there still were evil deities lurking somewhere.

Was that eyeball thing the only evil deity I was supposed to kill?

Or were there other such enemies, waiting for me out there?

(Whatever, I don’t mind either way.)

I had made my resolve long ago.

I was going to beat, cut anyone and anything that stood between me and my ambition.

They could be humans, monsters or gods, it didn’t matter. Anything that obstructed my path was going to be erased. That was the only way.

“Nothing changes for me. I’m going to live and act as I please, now and forever.”

“As you please…just as you have added new women to your harem, without me knowing?”

“Women…? You mean this…?”

I pointed to the other person in the bath with us.

Unlike Sakuya, who was right next to me, the young girl was sitting some distance away, apparently just spacing out while soaking in the bath.


The girl — Nefertina — showed no reaction to our conversation. She was the queen of the “Terror Armies”, whom I had taken back from the Undead Capital. She was likely the last remaining survivor of the desert civilization decimated by the evil deity.

“Can you really call her a woman? Take a good look.”

I pulled Nefertina closer. She did not make the slightest resistance as she slipped in my arms.

Just like Sakuya, Nefertina was completely naked too. I casually rubbed her breasts, as if I was playing around with rubber balls.


Nefertina’s breasts, which were a couple sizes larger than Sakuya’s, were being fondled and manipulated in all sorts of shapes and directions, but her expression did not change at all. If it wasn’t for her body heat and heartbeat, I would think she was either a doll or a corpse.

“I’d need to be really at my wit’s end to treat her as a lover too. I’m not that desperate, you know.”

“Why would you take her back with you, then? I cannot see any merit in keeping her alive…”

“…yeah, I wonder that too.”

I honestly wasn’t sure myself.

The only remotely plausible reason I could come up with was that I could picture the evil deity gloating if I had killed the girl, so I kept her alive to spite them.

“Well…she might function as a pillow, at least. Just see her as something like that, for the time being.”

“A pillow…I see.”


To treat a living human being as a pillow…sounded pretty scummy, even for me.

No matter the reason, though…as long as she lived, something good might come out of it. Eventually.

I could always decide what to do with her when it happened.

“I beg your pardon, Lord Maxwell.”


The contemplative atmosphere was interrupted by the sudden opening of the door leading into the bath.

I turned towards the intruders and my eyes opened wide.

“Do you mind if we join you?”


The intruders were two women — Mist Cairo and Naam Sphinx.

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