BBYW Vol. 4 Chapter 72 (WN)

Chapter 72 – Night of Outer Temptations and Inner Struggles

The words that came out from Mist’s mouth as a soft whisper were positively shocking.

She looked up at me with watery eyes and traced a finger along her lips.

“I will have to bear another man’s child, in any case…so I thought I would very much prefer that you, our savior, were the father. If I become pregnant with an heir, I will not be forced to marry anymore, so I will not have to be together with a man other than Valon…and I am sure that, if it’s you, he would forgive us.”

“I very much doubt he would…well, maybe you, but definitely not me.”

Mist was only wearing underwear under her nightgown: under the light of the lamp, a seductive violet color peeked beyond the semi-transparent veil.

If I just extended my hands a little, I could easily reach the olive-skinned beauty. She was sitting on my bed, after all: the perfect position to be pushed down.

However —

“…you know, you shouldn’t tease a man younger than you like that. You’re not being serious, are you?”

I threw my gown over Mist’s head, symbolizing my refusal of her offer.

“Oh my, was it that obvious?”

Mist poker her out from under the gown and motioned an apology.

Mist Cairo sincerely loved Valon Sphinx, without a shred of a doubt. Even if he was gone, she wouldn’t let another man take her so soon, and so easily.

“I really wouldn’t have minded it if you had taken me seriously, Lord Maxwell…you are the man that Valon considered his greatest rival, it would make it easier to yield…even if we ended up doing the deed.”

“The offer was very tempting…to be honest, if Naam wasn’t sleeping next door, I might have gone ahead and pushed you down onto the bed, even if I knew you were joking.”

Naam had just lost her brother: no matter how much she acted bright and cheerful, she was surely wounded deeply.

What would she think if, in such a state, she heard her brother’s fiancee moaning from the next room? If the man engaging in such infidelity was someone she respected and felt deeply grateful to?

There was no way I could do something so dishonest to Mist while Naam, her little sister-in-law, was right next to us.

I could be a bastard sometimes, but I wanted to at least act like a gentleman when Naam was around.

“I am truly happy to see that you think of Naam in such a way. Please, stay by her side from now on too.”

“I will do what I can, rest assured. She is my precious pen pal, and feels like a little sister at this point…not that Valon would ever accept it.”

I shrugged my shoulders, then gave a deep bow and motioned to the door.

“Well then…I believe it is not proper for a man and a woman, young and in their prime, to spend any more time in the same room at this time of night. I’m afraid it is time for your departure, milady.”

“Yes, indeed…you have been much more of a gentleman than I’d hoped, Lord Maxwell. I can entrust Naam in your care with no concerns now.”

Mist bowed politely and exited the room into the corridor.

Before I could close the door, though, she peeked through the gap and tossed a final explosive inside.

“Oh by the way, in case I cannot find a man wonderful enough to surpass Valon…I might come visit you again, to ask again to let me bear a child. Do not shame me again then, if you please.”


“Good night, Lord Maxwell.”

Before I could recover from the shock and react, Mist smiled mischievously and closed the door completely. I could hear quick steps going down the corridor, and someone entering Naam’s room.

Only at this point, the aroma of her scented oils tickled my nostrils, and I covered my face with my hands.

“…you sure got me, woman. You made me fall for you, and damn hard too.”

I threw myself on the bed, but I wasn’t going to sleep peacefully that night.

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