SIAW Vol. 1 Chapter 2

Chapter 2 – The Village Elder and Ranga

There were more people than I expected in the village: my appearance was probably unusual for them, as I received a lot of stares.

The village’s population seemed to be about half Beastmen, half Humankin.

The children would peek at me, hiding behind the adults.

Generally, the atmosphere seemed to be a bit glum: most of the villagers had a kind of somber look on their faces.

According to the Map skill, the village’s houses were built along the path we were walking on, and numbered to over 30. The villagers were about 100 in total.

Among the people gathering around us, more than half were women: the men were probably working somewhere else.

So…so many people…!!

I was so happy to finally see other people that I kept looking around everywhere. Eventually, Ranga called out to me.

“Tenma, was it? Where did you come from?”

I didn’t know what the best answer to that question would be, so I made up something on the spot.

“…I lost my way and ended up here, so I’m not sure what to say…in the village I live in, we just called it ‘village’, so…”

“I see…this village too, we usually just call it ‘village’ or ‘Pioneer Village’…only settlements the size of cities get called proper names, after all.”

“…yes, exactly…”

It looked like Ranga believed my story, to my great relief.

Learning that this was a settlement for pioneers made a lot of sense. The level of civilization and infrastructure seemed behind my old world by a lot. The villagers’ clothing and tools were very simple too. There did not seem to be any potential danger for me, though.

“This is the elder’s house. ELDER!! Are you inside? Eldeeer!”

Ranga called loudly to the elder.

Soon enough, a man appeared. He looked on with his years, but his step was firm and steady. He was also pretty muscular for his age, and had silver white hair and beard.

“What’s the ruckus, Ranga?”

“A stranger lost his way and ended up in the village, so I brought him to you.”

After saying this, Ranga walked closer to the elder and whispered something in his ear. Thanks to the Earreach skill, I could hear everything they said. 

Come on Ranga, you didn’t need to tell him I was crying!!

After they finished talking, the elder turned towards me.

“Tenma, yes? I’d like to chat a bit with you, inside.”

“…yes, sir.”

I thus followed the elder and Ranga in the house.

They didn’t take their shoes off at the entrance here, apparently. There was a round table inside: the elder sat down and motioned at me to take the seat opposite from him, so I obliged.

“Ranga said you are already of age, Tenma. Is that correct?”

“Yes, I am fourteen years old.”

“Hmm. Why did you leave your village?”

I wasn’t prepared for such a question. I should have thought about it more…I didn’t decide anything about what kind of “role” I would have to play!

“I became of age, so I wanted to be independent…”

“Aah, that’s a disease that afflicts young people everywhere, isn’t it? “I’ll become an adventurer and climb to the top of the world!”, right? Or something like that. But in the end, you got lost and started crying?”

I looked at Ranga, who had continued speaking after the elder, and he had a wide grin on his face.

You’re going to pay for this, man…!!

I was annoyed by the teasing, but at least I learned that the adventurer profession existed. I nodded, and the elder continued.

“Tenma, is that the truth?”

“I never thought I’d climb anywhere, but yes, I want to be an adventurer…”

“Hohoho. Unfortunately though, there is no adventurers’ guild in this village.”

After the elder spoke, Ranga interjected.

“Shouldn’t we just show him the way to Ronda, then? It’s a day’s walk from here, if you hurry a bit…and don’t lose your way.”

Ranga, man…you’re pretty snarky, even though I’m older than you…at least mentally!

Ranga started teasing me again, grinning like before. Appraisal told me that he was 28 years old, so I compared that to my past life’s age.

“Do not bully the poor child, Ranga! Oh, right…Traveling merchants from Ronda come to this village on the regular. You should go together to the town the next time they come.”

“They just came the other day though, it’ll be a while before they come again.”

“Let him stay at your house until then, Ranga!”

“What!? My little girl, Mei, is still a baby! I can’t let a stranger stay under the same roof!”

“Hoo hoo hoo!! Your house is the best choice, Ranga. After all, you caught the same disease as this lad, didn’t you, adventurer? Though the highest you climbed was this remote village’s watchtower! You’re the right fit for the job, Ranga!”

“I-I’m satisfied with living in this remote place just because I met Sasha! Now that our daughter is born, we’re never been happier!”

“Well then, Ranga the Happy, your elder commands you to take care of Tenma!”

“Damn you and your tricks…!! What am I going to do if Sasha gets angry?”

“Sasha will be nothing but happy to be able to help someone in need. Are you fine with this, Tenma?”

“…yes, please…and thank you.”

I was a bit annoyed with Ranga’s demeanor, but staying at his house would let me gather all sorts of information. I wouldn’t have to deal with other people prying into my past too.

“Take him to your house, now.”

“Fine, fine. But if Sasha gets angry, I’ll tell her it’s your fault, elder!”

“Sure, be my guest.”

Ranga begrudgingly obeyed the elder’s orders.

“Come on Tenma, follow me!”

Urged by Ranga, I stood up. Before I left, though, I realized there was something I had to do.

“Thank you for letting me stay in the village. Please have this, the blood was drained already.”

I took a Horn Rabbit from the Item Box and put it on the table.

As a proper adult, I had to show my good manners, after all.

“Oh, you have the Storage skill? You might be a better adventurer than Ranga already.”

“With a skill like that all you can do is errands! Get moving, Tenma!”

“Hoo hoo hoo!”

With the elder’s laughter echoing behind my back, I followed Ranga outside.


Once we were out, Ranga gave me my satchel back.

“I can’t let you keep your weapons in the village. I’ll take you to my home now, but don’t do anything to my wife or daughter, if you know what’s best for you. Oh, and you’ll be sleeping in the barn, okay?”


Ranga seemed a bit puzzled by my answer.

“You seem different than before…? Weren’t you scared of me?”

“….? No, not really. Ah, I was crying because you were the first people I met in a long time, so…I was really relieved.”

“R-Really now…I thought that…”

We continued chatting like this for a bit, and quickly arrived in front of a house.

We didn’t go inside the main building though, but the barn next to it. There were goods and tools here and there, and a mound of straw against the wall.

Ranga started talking again.

“I’m sorry, but you’ll have to sleep here. You’ll be safe from the rain, at least, and you can use the straw for sleeping. I’ll bring you something to use as a sheet later.”

“Of course, no problem. Thank you very much.”

“Yeah, sure.”

When I thanked him, Ranga seemed to be a bit embarrassed.

Maybe he was nicer than I thought?

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