SIAW Vol. 1 Chapter 4

Chapter 4 – Bug in the Training System?

When I woke up, I was in a pitch black room.

I checked the time, and the display was “April 9 – 04:11”. I used Light, and the barn was illuminated.

I was truly reborn…it wasn’t all a dream, I wasn’t in the training facility anymore. I sighed, relieved.

Since the month being displayed was April, the current season was probably spring…but I couldn’t say for sure yet. There was no guarantee that seasons cycled in this world, after all.

I felt that the climate resembled that of a typical April in my past world. It was pretty warm during the day, but chilly at night.

Sasha had given me some Forest Wolf fur, so I fell asleep pretty easily. At the training facility, however, I had made myself a super comfortable bed with high grade monster materials, so my current accommodation was kind of painful in comparison.

The dinner we had last night was centered on guinea fowl: the ingredients used weren’t many, but Sasha’s cooking was very delicious.

We chatted about various things after dinner, but soon enough Mei became sleepy, so at 8 PM it was already bedtime.

I set the alarm for 5 AM, just in case, but woke up a little before it started ringing. I thought about confirming some things, but it didn’t even cross my mind to check my status.

First of all, I tried using the Space magic spell Dimension Area…which had been reset, as expected.

This spell let the caster duplicate objects to a specified space (though it didn’t work on living beings and man-made objects) and create a subspace.

During training, I duplicated the riverbank area and built a house, garden and small field in it, to make a place where I could relax in peace. I called it my “Mobile Villa”,

The Lifestyle Magic spell Room could create only rooms, but Dimension Area created a space with the same weather, climate and day/night cycle of the area it duplicated.

After leveling up, the area created could be expanded, but a great amount of magic power was required, so I had a hard time with it. Eventually, I was able to create a space a few kilometers in diameter.

The area I thus created during the training, however, had disappeared.

I expected something like this might happen, but to realize that the house, furniture, magic tools and everything else was gone left me feeling pretty down.

All the knowledge I acquired was still there, though. If I had enough materials, I could just use Dimension Area again, so that wasn’t too big of a problem. I didn’t know if I could find the necessary materials, though…

The “Room” I made with Space Magic had become my base of operations during the later half of my time at the training center. When it became level 10, the spell allowed me to create up to 10 rooms, all freely customizable; I could also combine them all into one large room. That was all reset now too, probably, but I would definitely need it in the future, so I decided I would start rebuilding it.

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I activated Room, and a familiar door appeared before my eyes.

What would happen after the reset? Was it going to be 10 rooms, or a single large one?

I opened the door…and froze on the spot.

My eyes opened wide and I covered my mouth with my hands.

I don’t know how long I stayed like that: eventually, I breathed deeply to calm down.

As soon as I stepped inside, I found a table and chair. Which I had made for the purpose of taking quick rests. Next to the door there was a shoe rack, which I had made to change my shoes when I used the room. Since I had the Item Box, however, I had barely used it.

In front of me there was a space about 20 square meters wide, with several doors in front and on both sides.

The door in front led to a room equipped with a sofa and a table: it was the living room I had made to be used when I needed to rest for a longer time.

I sat down on the sofa: it was just as comfortable as I remembered. In the last five years of training, I had used it every day.

I stood up, walked through the exit without a door and entered the neighboring room.

There I found an exaggeratedly large dining room. There was a dining table and chairs, large enough to accommodate 10 guests. I always sat on the chair closest to the exit, the lowest spot in the traditional “hierarchy”: a habit that I still had in this new life.

The room next to this was a large kitchen, just as I had left it. All the cooking utensils and appliances, made with magic tools, were still there. It was probably the room I had used the most: I had upgraded it to the point that it was better equipped than the training facility’s kitchen.

I had used my knowledge from my past life to craft various magic cooking tools.

I exited the kitchen and faced the right side of the entrance room: there were three doors, which I checked starting from the farthest one. It led to the crafting workshop, which could be used to work on wood, metal, cloth and more. Next to it was the smithy, where I could also make pottery or other activities that involved the use of fire. The last room was my alchemy workshop: all my alchemy tools were still there. I often used this room to make myself new magic tools.

I checked the remaining rooms too. The bedroom wasn’t very big, but had an extra-large king size bed that could fit 5 -6 people.

Next to it was the bathroom, complete with the shampoo and body soap I myself created. I recreated shower and jacuzzi functions with magic tools too. I could clean myself with the Lifestyle Magic spell Clear, but to take an actual bath in the tub was different, after all. The soothing effect it provided was invaluable.

I paused for a moment before entering the last room, to prepare myself.

I opened the door, and found several rows of racks, filled with boxes and bags. It was the stockroom.

The countless boxes were packed with materials and ingredients taken from the training facility’s “Resources” menu. There were also materials dropped from the monsters I fought in the dungeon and minerals I dug up in it.

There were also items I collected outside the dungeon: in the latter half of my training period, I tried raising crops and other activities — though at first I thought that even if I tried cultivating something, everything would turn back the way it was the next day. The training system, however, probably expected that someone would try to acquire farming-related skills, as it allowed the cultivation of crops.

In the stockroom there was also all sorts of food from Earth, which I had bought from the “Meals” menu.

The ingredients I got from the crops and “Meals” would eventually spoil: the Item Box had a slowdown function, but it couldn’t stop time completely.

Magic Bags and Magic Boxes made with alchemy, however, had the “Preservation” enchantment, so I put items that would decay with time inside such containers when I stocked them.

The items bought from “Meals” specially received this treatment: every day I used all of my 3,000 Yen “allowance” and stocked the items here.

I put a hand on one of the boxes, which let me know its contents. Shaking a little, I took out one of the items inside and used Appraisal on it.


I breathed in and out, as deeply as I could.

100 of each type of Elixir, 200 Panaceas, 300 of each type of high grade potion, 1000 of each type of middle grade potion. All inside a single box.

I had stocked them to be used while exploring the dungeon, but never did in the end. Potions decayed very slowly, after all, so I always used the ones I had in the Item Box.

As a result, my stock of items and materials grew to absurd proportions.

I spent most of the time in my Room when I came back from exploring the dungeon, so going back to the facility to pick up items from the “Resources” menu became a hassle: because of this, I stocked part of them in this stockroom.

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Suddenly, I started feeling anxious, and hurried out of my Room. Back in the barn, I breathed a sigh of relief. I worried that I might have been brought back to the training facility.

Once I calmed myself down enough. I reflected on what had happened.

Was this a normal effect of using the training facility?

A reward for completing the training?

Or could it be a bug?

No matter how much I thought about it, I couldn’t reach a conclusion. If I recalled correctly, the training facility had been built by the manager (God) of the world I had been transported to.

In other words, the god of this world would know what was going on with my Room?

I didn’t know if it was possible to meet them, but I decided I’d try to visit a church when I found one.

Anyway, I had to think about what to do with the Room.

I was going to use it, obviously. What I had to think about was what to do with the items from “Resources”.

If the same kind of item existed in this world, I could use them freely, as long as I didn’t stand out too much.

Elixirs supposedly existed in this world, but they surely were not common. Even if getting one’s hands on one was easier than I thought, I shouldn’t openly use them until I was sure of it. Same as the items dropped from the dragon-type monsters I fought in the dungeon.

The items from Earth were limited in quantity too, so I decided I would use them only when I was inside my Room. There was a high chance I couldn’t obtain them anymore.

In any case, it just became much, much easier to live in this world!

The civilization and technology in this world seems to be clearly behind Earth. Maybe it was a bit early to say, since I had only seen this village, but I was pretty sure I was right.

The skills and levels people had were also lower than anticipated.

Ranga actually had the highest level of the village. The population was only about 120, but few people had any skills, and their levels were low across the board.

If my training had actually ended in three months, however, this would have been an environment perfectly fitting for starting a new life. The monsters around here wouldn’t have killed me immediately, and the Item Box would have allowed me to live with a certain degree of comfort.

Anyway, once I gathered information in this village, I was going to go to the nearest town and officially become an adventurer.

Something that I found concerning, though, was how different my personality was from my past self.

Bawling after arriving at the village, getting irritated at Ranga’s teasing, gloating like that about the Throwing skill…

The training period had been really long, so it wouldn’t be weird if my personality changed a bit.

Still, to act so emotionally wasn’t like me at all. Maybe my mind was being influenced by the younger age of my physical body?

Somehow, that felt like the correct answer.

Spending 15 years in the training facility might have made me become an arrogant guy with cheat skills…if that was the case, I had to be extra careful not to let my emotions get the better of me.

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