SIAW Vol. 1 Chapter 8

Chapter 8 – Stalling Machinations


10 days have already passed since that guinea fowl incident: about 20 days since I first arrived in the village.

The day of the incident, the elder ended up surrounded by the villagers, demanding to know how he was going to share the guinea fowl. He broke out of the encirclement, saying that he was going to think about it, and went back home for the day.

The next day, the elder first said he was going to let the children eat it. The other villagers seemed dissatisfied, but if the children would be prioritized, they couldn’t protest much.

When the elder delivered the skewers to the children, however, it was clear that the quantity was too little. The villagers thus interrogated the elder’s family, which ultimately confessed that they ate some of the fowl.

The elder played dumb until the end, but when the rest of his family confessed he became the target of the villagers’ accusing looks, and ultimately admitted it.

The elder’s credibility among the populace thus dropped like a rock; I pretended I didn’t know anything, though, and gave him three more guinea fowls. Every time I did, the villagers were watching closely.

Ranga, on the other hand, was scolded by Sasha for spilling the beans about the guinea fowl I shared with them. But that wasn’t all: the night of the incident, Sasha’s family joined us at dinner, but only Ranga wasn’t served any guinea fowl. I gave his family guinea fowl three more times, just like I did with the elder, but every time Sasha didn’t let him have any.

On the day I gave them the third guinea fowl for dinner, Mei took pity on Ranga and gave him a slice, an act that made him bawl. That was last night.

At present, the elder — with marked bags under his eyes — was sitting before me. Behind me there were also Ranga, Sasha and Mei.

“Tenma, we are deeply grateful for not only hunting for the village, but also fixing the stoves of so many families.”

Ever since the day of the incident, I fixed the stoves of two houses per day.

“Recently, it has also become possible to go out of the village more safely. It’s all thanks to your efforts in culling the Horn Rabbit population. That is why I have called you today, to give you this.”

The elder then showed me 10 golden coins.

I have become acquainted with this world’s currency only recently.

One bronze coin amounted to about 100 yen; 10 bronze coins became 1 silver coin, 10 silver coins 1 gold coin. There were also more valuable units, but I didn’t have the chance of seeing any in the village.

I had hunted and offered to the village more than 350 Horn Rabbits. Actually, I had already hunted more than 1000, but I kept them in stock. Other than Horn Rabbits, I also caught more than 100 Forest Wolves, over 200 Goblins and about 50 Forest Boars. As well as the higher versions of these species of monsters. 

Because of the booming increase of the Horn Rabbit population, their predators had gathered as well. If the rabbit population decreases, though, the predators might start attacking the village, so recently I hunt them more frequently than the Horn Rabbits.

Anyhow, 10 golden coins amounted to about 100,000 Yen. I thought it wasn’t enough of a reward for the work I had done, but for a village in the middle of nowhere like this one, with very little channels of revenue, it was a lot of money.

I thus said the following to the elder.

“I am really sorry, but I cannot accept this. I have not been hunting for the sake of money, after all.”

“Please do not say that, my boy. I understand it is not enough to repay your hard work, but requested the traveling merchant to send adventurers here, and we need money to pay the cancellation fee of that request too.”

If you say that, then I really can’t take the money!

“I’ve been treated well by Sasha’s family and the rest of the village too, so I really do not need any money.”

As I did just now, I started using “Sasha’s family” instead of “Ranga’s family”, since her authority in the family had grown even stronger lately.

“I-Is that so…I really wish you would accept it, though…”

While talking, the elder sent furtive glances at Sasha.

Was her position in the village even higher than the elder now?

The elder then suddenly changed the topic.

“Furthermore…I wanted to ask you if you could settle in the village…permanently.”

Aah, now I see…so the money was a ploy to keep me here?

“I do not mean to force you to, naturally! But the whole village wishes for you to stay. If you accepted, we agreed that we would build a house for you, larger than even my own home.”

The whole village? All for the sake of some guinea fowl?

The traveling merchant was supposed to come soon, so my plan was to go with them to the city and become an adventurer. The villagers wouldn’t be able to eat guinea fowl anymore, so they would even build a house, if it meant to make me stay there?

Were they addicted to that fowl, maybe!?

“Also, you know Misha, Sasha’s little sister, right? She will turn 16 years old soon. She’s very pretty, like Sasha, and is quite popular among the boys. You two are close in age, and she said she wouldn’t mind becoming your wife. What do you say? Marrying Misha and living together here would be nice, no?”

Marry Misha? She certainly resembled Sasha and was beautiful, or rather cute, and popular among the boys. I had met her several times, however, and had the feeling she didn’t like me much. We also had dinner at the same table once, but barely talked, and I didn’t see her crack a smile once.

She looked happy when she ate the guinea fowl, though…

If she was almost 16 years old, that would put her at the same age of a high school freshman in my old world. My body was that of a 14 years old boy, but mentally I was over 48…the hurdle was just too high.

If she told me I disgusted her, I could end up devastated beyond repair!

“…I am flattered by your words, but I wish to travel and see other cities, experience all sorts of things…I am sorry, but I must refuse.”

I might have phrased it better, but I didn’t want them to have the wrong idea, so I spoke rather clearly. I still had secrets to keep, and wanted to learn more about this world, so I was far from being ready to settle down anywhere.

“I-I see…if you say so, then it can’t be helped. There’s still time, though, so please think about it some more. Anyway, about the guinea fowl…I’ve been thinking that it is not proper for me to…decide what to do with your catch. Would you mind sharing it directly with the village?”

Hehehe…as it turns out, the guinea fowl situation tormented the elder enough. That’s what happens when you get greedy!

“Well, the amount of guinea fowl I can catch is small to begin with…I cannot possibly share it better than someone experienced and well-respected by the community such as you, elder. A young outsider like me could not possibly…please, let me count on your invaluable help from now on too.”

I’ve got more than 300 fowls in stock, though! Hehehe!!

“My boy…but I —”

“Oops, I’m sorry, I’m afraid I have to go, there’s a stove I must fix before sunset!”

Before the elder could continue, I stood up and left the house, together with Sasha and the others.

He was still saying something, but I wasn’t going to listen!

Sasha, that evil smirk of yours is scaring even me!!

When I left the elder’s house, I saw Misha not too far from us. Sasha noticed her and sprinted in her direction. She apparently told Misha that the whole deal about our marriage had been squashed, and the latter looked quite happy at the news.

She didn’t actually agree to it, as expected. Her family and the rest of the villagers probably forced her into it, just because they wanted to keep eating guinea fowl.

Even if that was the case, though, she looked a bit too happy, no?

The Mental Fortitude skill wasn’t enough to neutralize the mental damage…

I couldn’t bear the sight of Misha’s joyous expression anymore, so I headed to the house with the stove I had to fix.


◆   ◆   ◆   ◆


My parents really went and asked the villagers to help them carry out the plan to make Tenma stay in the village — without him knowing, of course.

More than half of the villagers agreed, and hurried to somehow find a way to convince Tenma.

That day, when Tenma came back from the usual hunting, Tenma was summoned to the elder’s house, together with my sister Sasha and her family. I was curious to know the result, so I waited outside the elder’s house.

There was no one in the village I ever even thought I wanted to marry. So Tenma was a good candidate, they told me, and while I was still undecided they went ahead and decided to tell him. I hated the fact of being sent to marry for the sake of some guinea fowl, though: I wanted to become an adventurer and travel the world.

My sister and the others came out of the elder’s house earlier than expected: as soon as she saw me, Sasha ran up to me.

“Tenma said that he is going to become an adventurer, so he won’t stay in the village!”

I was so happy that I jumped up and down in joy. When I calmed down a bit, Tenma was already gone: Sasha then started talking again.

“The conversation took a weird turn, so I was worried for a moment, but Misha, if you really want to become an adventurer, you can’t miss this chance!”

Sasha’s words made me reflect: my wish to become an adventurer was born before Tenma arrived, and was stronger than ever.

“First, you should tell Tenma that you want to become an adventurer together with him. Then we have to talk with mom and dad, or things will turn in a weird direction again.”

(Yes, that’s right!!)

“Misha, do you understand? You have to go talk to Tenma and convince him by yourself.”

“Eh!? Convince him!?”

I was shocked. I was terrible at talking, how could I convince him?

“Yes. Judging from your expression, I’m guessing you think it’s impossible for you?”

Sasha saw right through me, as always. I couldn’t help but nod.

“I think it’ll work out somehow, but you need to show your resolve.”

“Eh!? My resolve…?”

“Yes. The resolve to…let him touch your tail!”

(T-Touch my tail!? I have to let someone outside my family…a b-boy touch my tail!?)

“He loves Beastmen, you see. He seems to especially like touching tails, he does it often with Mei and the other kids. If you let him touch yours, you can then tell him to “take responsibility” and let you join him in his adventures…he won’t be able to say no. He’s young, though, so I’m worried he might not be able to stop at your tail, and proceed to do more…intimate things…”

(W-what things!? More intimate than touching my tail!? Like k-kissing!?)

“Anyway, you need that much resolve. Or you won’t be able to convince him, Misha.”

I imagined letting Tenma touch my tail…and felt my cheeks grow hot. It wasn’t a decision I could make easily…

After that, I couldn’t stop thinking about it…for two days straight.]

It was embarrassing to let someone touch my tail, but if I imagined Tenma was the someone in question, I didn’t feel as much resistance as I expected.

I told myself that I could even let him do more intimate things…like kissing…just a little…maybe…

(Just on my cheek…)

It was for the sake of finally becoming an adventurer: my resolve was steelened.

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