TWEM Vol. 7 Chapter 5 Part 2

The day after we stayed in the demon city.

I decided to gather information about the Demon King’s army in the city by myself.

By the way, with the power of the ring, I changed my face to a different one than when I entered the city.

“You want to know about the situation of the Demon King’s army?”

“Oh, don’t you know something?”

“What are you going to do when you find out?”

The man I met on the street answered my questions with questions.

“I also want to help the Demon King. But since I came from far away, I don’t have any information.”

The man’s expression softened as he said, “Is that so?”

“A few years ago, the Demon King declared that he would not fight humans, but it seems that two of the Four Heavenly Kings, Gyuray-sama and Lauren-sama, really hate humans. And they are ignoring orders and doing whatever they want. Gheel-sama and Damnatio-sama hated humans as well, but they were apparently defeated by humans.”

“I see. What do you think of the new Four Heavenly Kings?”

“Dark Knight Hyzak-sama and Necromancer Alban-sama? They have sworn loyalty to the Demon King, so they are loyal to the Demon King’s orders.”

“Hmmm. Thank you.”

“No, it doesn’t really matter. If you’re going to join the Demon King’s army, do your best.”

After I parted ways with that man, I changed form again and talked to the next person.

If the same person kept collecting information, people would become suspicious.

This time, I asked about the Demon King’s castle.

“What’s going on in the Demon King’s castle?”

“Ah, I’m thinking of joining the Demon King’s army, and I want to know what the Demon King’s castle is like.”

“I see, you want to join the Demon King’s army? I’ve been to the Demon King’s castle once, and I heard that there are powerful monsters there. There was even a dragon.”

“A dragon? That’s amazing.”

“Though, I haven’t seen it myself.”

“What’s it like inside the Demon King’s castle?”

“Inside? It looked comfortable inside.”

“I see. Thank you.”

I thanked the man and returned to the inn. Of course, I didn’t forget to change my appearance.

And I then woke up Tendo, who was still sleeping.

“Hey, wake up.”

“Is it morning already?”

“It’s almost noon. How long are you going to stay in bed?”

I sighed at Tendo, who was sleeping like a log.

I was sure he’d make excuses like it’s been a while since he’s slept in a futon.

As expected, Tendo muttered with a sleepy expression, “It’s been a long time since I’ve slept on a futon, so it can’t be helped, right?”

Yeah, that’s too obvious. It made me a little worried.

“I’m not sure, but this is demon territory. Don’t let your guard down.”

“I’m going to be very careful.”

If that was the case, it’s good…

After waiting for Tendo to change his clothes, we quickly left the city.

Beyond this city was our destination, the royal capital Delzas, where the Demon King’s castle was located.

On the way, I decided to update Tendo with the information I had gathered earlier.

“”You gathered information while I was asleep…”

“I gathered quite a bit. I also heard that there is a dragon in the Demon King’s castle. There are other things as well—…”

Even though it was a demon territory, very few monsters appeared.

Only low-level creatures such as slimes and goblins with low intelligence appeared, so the journey to the capital was easy.

The next day, the castle walls surrounding the royal capital of Delzas appeared before us.

Beyond the castle wall was a towering black castle.

“Is that the Demon King’s castle?”

“Yeah, I’m a little nervous.”

“We’re in the middle of enemy territory. Don’t let your guard down.”

Tendo nodded.

If our true identity were to be revealed, I was sure we would be targeted.

“First we have to go beyond the castle wall.”

“Then, should we use the same tactic as before?”

“Well, I guess that’s a safe option.”

Tendo and I braced ourselves and lined up to at the checkpoint.

After a while, it was our turn.

“You don’t look familiar. What are you doing here?”

“I’m under the direct supervision of Hyzak-sama. Let us through.”

When Tendo gave his answer, the soldiers guarding the gate looked at him suspiciously.

“I haven’t heard anything from above.”

“It’s a secret mission. There’s something I need to tell him as soon as possible.”

The soldiers took a step back as Tendo emitted an intimidating black aura.

“Don’t keep me waiting. Hurry up.”

That’s probably why the soldiers believed that what he was saying was true.

“I-I’m sorry! But, in that case, wouldn’t it be better if you didn’t line up?”

“…What are you talking about? What will someone who swears loyalty to the Demon King do if he doesn’t follow the rules? He won’t be able to ask anyone around him to follow them either. Am I wrong?”

At Tendo’s words, the soldier who asked the question bowed his head and said, “I’m sorry.”

At that point, his gaze turned towards me.

“What about you?”

“He is my escort. Are you done?”

The soldier said, “Yes, sir! Please go on your way!”

Tendo and I passed by the soldiers who were making way for us, and we safely entered the royal city of Delzas.

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