TWEM Vol. 7 Chapter 6 Part 1

Chapter 6 – Infiltrating the Demon King’s Castle

When we entered the royal capital of Delzas, the first thing we did was find an inn.

Incidentally, as Tendo was conspicuous as he was, I had him change his appearance in a place where no one could see us.

“So, Haruto. How are you going to talk to the Demon King? It’s impossible to meet the Demon King like this.”

That’s right. At this rate, I wouldn’t be able to enter the Demon King’s castle.

“I guess so. Let’s discuss our opinions with each other for the time being. The two of us should be able to come up with a better idea than me alone.”


After that, the two of us exchanged opinions, but none of them were good enough.

In the first place, the only way to enter the Demon King’s castle was to invade it.

“I guess that’s the only option…but I can’t do that.”


“I don’t have any stealth skills.”

“Are you still a hero?”

“I don’t think a hero needs stealth skills…?”

“…Certainly. Is this a pattern for me to go alone?”

When I said that, Tendo nodded happily.

“Hey, Tendo. Did you just think, ‘I’m glad it was easy?’”

“…No, I didn’t.”

Tendo quickly looked away from me.

“Don’t worry. I’ll take you along as well.”

“Hey, Haruto?! No matter how you look at it, you’re definitely better than me! I’m nothing but a liability!”


“Then why—”

“You’ll be a decoy in case things go wrong.”

Tendo rolled his eyes at my words.

“Isn’t that terrible!? I mean, don’t leave me in the middle of enemy territory when my identity is discovered!! I’ll die!”

“Is that just a pretense? Maybe your hidden power will manifest and you’ll become stronger.”

“It’s not a pretense, and it won’t happen!”

“No, no, don’t give up.”

Personally, I want Tendo to become strong enough to live up to his name as a hero.

Well, joking aside, we decided to have a serious discussion.

“So, are you sure you want me to come along?”

“Of course, it’s better to have the hero.”

“What if the enemy finds us?”

“I’ll handle it.”

We looked at each other for several minutes.

Tendo nodded as if he had given up.

“I understand. This is also the role of a hero.”

“Yeah. If you weren’t the hero, I would have gone alone.”

“Haha, maybe that would have been better?”

“Don’t be silly. It’s lonely to be alone.”

“I guess that’s true too. Being alone is lonely.”

The next thing we spoke about was when to invade the Demon King’s castle, but since we thought it would be better to do it sooner, we decided to do it tomorrow night.

In addition, we talked about what would happen if a battle broke out in the Demon King’s castle, but I had an idea about that.

“If it turns into a battle, I’ll try to suppress them without killing them. If possible.”

“If you don’t kill them, won’t they come back later to retaliate?”

“They will come. But we will talk to the Demon King to make sure that doesn’t happen.”

Apparently, from what I heard from the people in the town, it seemed to be true that the Demon King didn’t want to fight with humans, so I guess it’s not a bad bet.


“The problem is the Four Heavenly Kings, Gyuray and Lauren. If we can do something about these two extremists, things will be quicker…”

“I agree…”

“Well, there’s no point in thinking about it. Let’s do what we can for now.”

Tendo tilted his head at my words.

“What are you doing? Are you preparing for the invasion?”

“Ah. Now, Tendo, I’m going to make a magic tool for you.”

“A magic tool… what kind of thing is it?”

I gave a brief explanation of the magic tool I was going to make.

It was a magic tool that blended the figure into the background and erased odors and presence.

I was planning to make several other items, including one that I would use.

I’ve made some over there, but I want to make sure everything is safe here.

“Okay. What should I do in the meantime?”

“Hmm, let’s see…”

I didn’t have anything in particular that I wanted him to do, but if I had to say anything, I’d like him to test the magic tool that I was about to make.

“In that case, please test the completed magic tool. I will try using it, but I would like to know how it looks to the other person.”

“Then it seems like I can do it too. In that case, I’ll collect information on your behalf until it’s completed.”

“I’ll leave it to you. I’ll contact you via telepathy when it’s completed.”

“Okay. Then I’ll go.”

Tendo left the inn and headed to gather information.

I remained at the inn, took the materials from the storage space in another dimension and began making magic tools.

Then the night of the day of the operation arrived.

Yesterday, I went to bed early after testing the magic tools I made, and today I took it easy to replenish my energy.

That’s why Tendo and I were currently hiding in the bushes near Demon King’s castle.

However, if there was a miscalculation…

“Hey, Haruto.”


“Isn’t the security at the Demon King’s castle too strict?”

As Tendo said, there were security guards everywhere in the Demon King’s castle.

Why are they so heavily guarded?

The information Tendo gathered did not include anything about security or protection, so it was possible that this was the normal state of affairs.

“Well, that’s fine. Even if you think about it, you won’t know what you don’t know. Anyway, we have no choice but to intrude.”

“Right. Should we just move on?”

“That’s the plan.”

From here, we switched to telepathic conversation.

This was to be completely cautious before intruding the enemy’s castle.

Just like when we entered the city, I thought about intruding by pretending to be a direct subordinate of Hyzak, but it would all be over once we were called in.

Therefore, the only course of action that Tendo and I could do was to break into the castle.

Tendo looked at the guards and asked me by telepathic communication.

“(What about the guards?)”

“(As I said yesterday, let’s try not to kill as much as possible)”

Tendo was obviously relieved after I said that.

Then, I used my stealth skill, and Tendo, who didn’t have a stealth skill, used the magic tool I created yesterday to disappear.

We passed by the soldiers, and if we absolutely had to defeat them, we knocked them out and entered the castle.

Since it was night, there weren’t a lot of people here, so we continued walking deeper into the castle.

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