TWEM Vol. 7 Chapter 7 Part 2

“Haruto, what’s going on?”

“Right now, the demons are on the verge of having an internal split.”

“Internal split…?”

Tendo still didn’t seem to understand, so I told him succinctly.

“Besides Damnatio and his group, there are other demons plotting a rebellion.”

“What I mean is that even if we sign a peace treaty, a rebellion could break out. The damage won’t just affect the demons, it’ll affect the humans as well.”

“Does that mean the two remaining Four Heavenly Kings and the new Four Heavenly Kings will rebel too?”

Fran slowly shook her head and said, “I don’t know.”

That meant that it was possible that they were plotting something behind the scenes.


I couldn’t help but let out a deep sigh.

Tendo looked at me. So did Fran.

“I understand how you feel, Haruto. There are some really stupid people out there.”

“You’re right. I was about to apologize for killing Gheel and Damnatio, but I guess it’s better now that there are fewer rebels.”

“Yeah, if I’d purged them myself, I might have given the people plotting a rebellion more momentum. I’d rather thank you, Haruto.”

“I never thought the Demon King would thank me.”

“Hehe. Well, that’s all settled. We can’t negotiate peace, but as long as I’m here, the demons won’t lay a hand on the humans. With that said, go home.”

Fran tried to chase me and Tendo away, but there was more to discuss.

I didn’t like to get involved in trouble myself, but I considered it part of the job.

I looked at Tendo and he nodded, as if he understood what I was thinking.

He was about to get up, but I stopped him.

“Wait, Fran.”

“You still have more to discuss?”

“Let’s cooperate.”


Fran looked at me as if to say, “What are you talking about?”

“If we find the rebels and unify the demons, we can move forward with peace negotiations, right? Then I’m saying I’ll help you with that.”


“Don’t worry. If a human cooperates, it will raise suspicion, so I’ll hide my identity. I can change my appearance like I did earlier.”

“That’s not it!”

“Huh? Is there a problem?”

“Yes! Why are you humans sticking your noses in so far in the first place?”

“Why? Well, as I said before, it’s for the peace negotiations.”

When I said that, Fran sighed.

“Hey, you… even if we go ahead with peace negotiations, do you think it will go well? The gap between demons and humans is deep, you know? There’s a high chance it will fail.”

“Who cares about that?”


Fran looked dumbfounded and stunned by what I said.

Tendo was next to me and said, “So that’s the kind of guy you are…” and seemed somewhat convinced.

I was from another world, after all. To be honest, it didn’t really matter, right? That’s what I thought.


“If we go that far and the humans refuse peace, then I don’t give a damn. In the first place, both Tendo and I are from another world summoned to this world. Well, I wasn’t a hero, though.”

Tendo next to me added, “But you’re much stronger than me, a hero, and all of us. Your titles are [Demon King] and [Exterminator].”

Hey Tendo, that explanation was unnecessary. Especially about the titles!

I glared at Tendo, who was sitting next to me, and took the opportunity to intimidate him a little.

Tendo let out a “Ugh” sound, and even though he was used to being intimidated, his face went pale.

Fran muttered incredulously when he heard my titles.

“Demon King? And Exterminator…?”

As I was thinking of how to explain it, Tendo took it upon himself to tell her the origin of his titles. It was when we defeated Gheel in the Kingdom of Perdis.

She then let out a “Fufu” laugh.

Fran’s smiling face made her look more like a girl her age, and not that of a Demon King…well, her actual age was different, though.

“A human, and an adventurer at that, is a ‘Demon King’ and an ‘Exterminator.’ When I hear that story, you fight even more like a Demon King than I do.”

“Is that a compliment? Or is it an insult?”

“What, I am complimenting you. Your strength exceeds that of a hero. It makes me wonder if you’re really human.”

“Well, I’ve pretty much stopped being human…”

Fran looked puzzled by my statement again, so I explained.

“I’m actually a High Human.”

“High Human, you say…?”

Fran asked again, somewhat surprised, and I nodded.

“It’s true. My race has somehow evolved.”

“…Haruto, do you know what kind of race High Humans are?”

“They’re beings that surpass humans, and they existed a long time ago… that’s all I know.”

“I see. Then I’ll tell you about High Humans.”

Fran looked at me.

“I myself have never fought a High Human. After all, they apparently existed long before I was born. But there is something that has been passed down since the time of the first Demon King. That is, High Humans have the power to change the world.”

Tendo looked at me and opened his mouth.

“I agree, but Haruto was stronger than us heroes even before he became a High Human, right?”

“Indeed. Now that you mention it…”

As I nodded, Fran asked.

“Is that true?”

“Yeah. Haruto was strong even before he became a High Human.”

“Is it because I received my powers directly from God? That would make sense.”

“God, you mean…? You met Him?”

“Eh? Yes, I did.”

Fran was frozen with her mouth open.

A little later, she coughed cutely.

“It’s hard to believe you met a god, but… anyway. I know Haruto is strong.”

Fran then turned her gaze to Tendo and spoke.

“Hey hero. Did you say your name is Tendo?”


“You’re the hero, but you’re weaker than the Four Heavenly Kings.”

“I thought so too. I simply brought him along because I was lonely coming all the way here by myself.”

“Hey, Haruto?”

Tendo’s eyes widened at what I said.

Because it’s true.

“Then tell me your current level.”


“You’re a weakling.”

“That’s terrible!”

Tendo was on the verge of tears.

Fran and I exchanged glances, then I turned to Tendo.

“I’m sorry, I was wrong about you being a small fry.”


“I’ll correct my words. You’ll be of some help…maybe.”

“Hey, that last word! I heard your last word! So I’m a small fry after all!? Am I a small fry!?”

Fran and I looked away from Tendo and opened our mouths.

“Well, we’ve strayed from the topic.”


“Hey, are you ignoring me?”

But Fran ignored him and asked.

“Are you really going to help us?”

“I’m telling you the truth. Actually, or rather, I was planning to help you if something happened before I came here. Well, if we could set up a place for peace negotiations, I would be willing to go home then.”

“You let your true feelings out at the end…well, the demons are in a difficult situation, just like Haruto thinks.”

Tendo agreed with what I said.

“Well, let’s finish up quickly and go home.”

“Yeah. For me, it was a big gain to know that the Demon King has no intention of fighting humans. This will prevent unnecessary sacrifices on both sides.”


I nodded when Tendo said, “It will prevent sacrifices.”

“Anyway, I will do my best to cooperate for the sake of peace.”

“Thank you. Let me thank you on behalf of the demons.”

Fran stood up from her seat and bowed to me and Tendo.

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