TWEM Vol. 7 Chapter 8 Part 2


Fran looked at me and Tendo.

“May I have a word?”

We sat down and began our discussion.

“So, first of all, I’d like you to hear what I have to say.”

Fran said, and Tendo and I nodded our heads.

First of all, we couldn’t move forward with this discussion without hearing what Fran was thinking.

Since we’re outsiders, Tendo and I couldn’t really get in the way of saying this or that.

“The only Four Heavenly Kings who support me are Hyzak and Alban. But they’ve left the royal castle, and it will be difficult to call them back… and if you ask me what we can do with our current forces against 20,000, there’s nothing we can do. Even if we prepare our subordinates for battle, Delzas won’t last even a week.”

It’s true that we have a few days to wait, but if we’re surrounded, we won’t be able to get food and other supplies.

It would be very tough if we couldn’t expect any reinforcements.

But I wanted her to think about it carefully.

Tendo and I said we’d cooperate with the Demon King.

“Fran, who’s in front of you?”

That’s why I asked that question.

Fran raised her face and looked at me and Tendo.

Her confused look was really cute.

“You’re saying you’re going to fight?”

Tendo and I looked at each other and chuckled.

“That’s what I was planning from the start.”

“Haruto is right, that’s my intention too. Let me do what I can. I’ll cooperate with you with all I have.”

“You two…thank you so much.”

Fran bowed her head.

“So, what next? If it’s only around 20,000, I can go there. Only if you don’t mind me destroying the terrain.”

“Oh, come on, Haruto, you’re joking, right…?”

“Haru, is that some kind of joke…?”

I said it jokingly, and the two of them looked at me with a blank stare.

This is bad, they think I’m really going to do this!

I hastily denied it.

“…I won’t do that without permission.”

“You’re not saying you can’t do it.”

I looked away from Fran and went back to the topic.

“What are you going to do now? I can do a quick reconnaissance.”

“Hmm. But Haru, you don’t know the geography of the Demon Realm, do you?”

“That’s not a problem. I have the skills. I’ve already got a good grasp of the geography.”

“That’s a very useful skill. Let’s ask you to do it. However, you are prohibited from fighting. Is that clear?”

“I understand. By the way, do you have anything to give them? A letter or something? I can probably get close to the Four Heavenly Kings.”

Fran put her hand to her forehead as she thought about what I said.

After a moment, she spoke.

“That’s right. I should advise them to stop their advance… Then Haru, can I leave it to you?”

When I nodded, Fran immediately put pen to paper.

After a while, she stamped the completed letter and handed it to me.

“Haru, this is for you. And when you deliver him the letter, give him a message saying: ‘We will show no mercy to you if you become our enemy.’”

I couldn’t help but laugh out loud when I heard Fran’s words.

Fran seemed to get annoyed at my laugh, and I apologized to her, as she glaring cutely at me.

“Sorry, sorry. I wasn’t making fun of you or anything.”

“What do you mean then…?”

“No, show no mercy to my enemies. I thought you’d think the same way I do.”

“Hmm. We’re on the same page.”

“That’s right. And Tendo and I are now Fran’s friends and swords. You can count on us.”

Looking at Tendo, he nodded vigorously, as if he was thinking the same thing.

“Just like Haruto said, I want you to rely on us.”

Fran laughed at my and Tendo’s words.

Then I finished my preparations and left the Demon King’s castle.

Using my skills, I zipped through the air and moved at high speed.

When I reached a distance that would take about four days if I traveled normally, I noticed that the plains a little way ahead were brightening up.

“Ellis, are those the ones that might become our enemies this time?”

I asked aloud, and Ellis answered in the affirmative.

《Yes. Please look at the map.》

I opened the map as Ellis told me and checked it…

“I see, it’s the army of the Four Heavenly Kings after all. Looking at these numbers makes me sick.”

《Including the two Four Heavenly Kings, it’s a mixed army of demons and monsters, with a total of 20,000.》

“That’s just as the information says. So, if it comes to a battle, can Fran win?”

《With Master, it’s practically won.》

Well, that’s what I thought, and Ellis continued to report.

《Master, I’ve confirmed the presence of the Four Heavenly Kings. Would you like to check their status?》

“You found them? Right, I’ll check it just in case.”

The status screen of the two Heavenly Kings was immediately displayed.


Name : 


Level : 


Age :


Race : 


Unique Skill: 


Skill : 

Darkness Magic Lv10

Martial Arts Lv8

Physical Boost Lv9

Homeland Lv8

Detect Presence

Detect Mana 

Title : 

Four Heavenly Kings

Spear Disaster


Name : 


Level : 


Age : 


Race : 


Unique Skill: 

Death Marionette

Skill : 

Darkness Magic Lv10

Fire Magic Lv10

Martial Art Lv8

Physical Boost Lv7

Detect Presence

Detect Mana

Magic Power Manipulation

Title : 

Four Heavenly Kings

Master Manipulator


As expected, each of them seemed to have a unique skill.

Let’s check the details right away.



When this skill is activated, it is possible to exceed the limits of the body and draw out the power of the spear that you possess to the fullest.



<Death Marionette>

Can control, strengthen, and create undead.

Depending on the skill of the caster, there is no limit to the number that can be controlled.



The level was decent, but <Death Marionette> looked troublesome.

At any rate, light magic, which could inflict heavy damage on the undead, was unlikely to be mastered by demons with whom it was incompatible.

Speaking of the undead, there was also the rule that they would continue to move unless their heads were destroyed, so it seemed like it would be tough to fight them in a war.

As I was thinking about this, I noticed a huge shadow of something in the distance.

I used my God Eye to check out what was in the distance.

And when I saw it, I gasped.


The ground itself was floating, and on top of it was a huge castle.

I guess you could call it a jet-black floating castle.

“Hey, Ellis.”

《Yes, Master》

“What is that…?”

Pointing at the huge floating castle in the sky, I asked Ellis.

Ellis answered my question.

《That place is the Obsidian Palace, a god’s castle that was once used in the age of mythology.》

“A god’s castle…? Eh? Does a god live there?”

《No. At present, I have not confirmed the existence of a god. But—》

Ellis said in astonishment.

《I believe a god has been sealed away.》


If he’s sealed away, he must be a different man from the old man I met, right?

As expected, I don’t think I can win against a god. If the seal is broken, humanity will be defeated.

We must stop him at all costs.

In fact, being sealed away in that black castle means he must be an evil god… there is nothing godly about him.

“Well, that’s fine, but as for the army, should we reduce their numbers a little?”

《Before that, I think it would be better to give them the letter from Demon King Fran and pass on her message. Furthermore, fighting is forbidden.》

“I forgot. I’ll go deliver the letter first.”

I used teleportation magic and disappeared from the scene.

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